Vulnerability Assessment

What is a vulnerability assessment of a corporate environment? The identification and treatment of all vulnerable aspects of cybersecurity, both internal and external to prevent further threats to the company.

There is a difference between a vulnerability assessment and a regular one. The guidelines and recommendations provided in the end are adapted to the complex corporation structure and area. This makes the whole procedure more complex in determining to what extent a technology asset may be threatened and what exposure to potential attacks it has. The assessed vulnerabilities may result in corporate-related operational, safety, or security failures as a consequence of information or systems being corrupted, lost, or compromised.

All the external and internal vulnerabilities that have been detected have to be dealt with. That means they need to be quantified, analyzed, prioritized, and remediated based on the risks they represent for the corporation. The security program of each company should have set in schedule overall vulnerability assessments. It is required to maintain the following standards: 

General – ISO27001

Finance sector – PCI DSS, SWIFT Customer Security Programme

Healthcare – HIPPA

The process

When carrying out vulnerability assessment, there are several key steps to be followed, including, but not limited to

Conducting environment identification and analysis

Developing scanning policies for both External and Internal environments

Configuring and conducting the scans

Reporting, evaluating and interpretation of both results and risks

The end deliverable is the development of an appropriate tailor-made strategy and migration plan that are set to cover the highest severity priorities of the client. The result should take into account the unique nature of the examined organisation, its operations, and its fleet.

Since there are constant changes in both public and private environments, companies need to adopt undertaking vulnerability assessment as an ongoing process. Once it is adopted as a practice it will be the founding cornerstone of the cybersecurity defense practice of your organisation.

There are associated benefits in undertaking regular vulnerability assessments. And they are a crucial part of the overall visibility of security exposure of corporate process operations. They act as a means to continually address compliance standards and maintain a good overall security posture for enterprises.

Our team has the flexibility, knowledge, and experience to guarantee you that any vulnerability assessments carried out will be timely and will be tailor-made to face the unique environment you work in, in terms of the company’s operations. We will ensure that you continue to comply with the new requirements and changes in protocols, including data privacy and corporated cybersecurity industry regulations.


Tailor-made service

with the flexibility in response time for the needs of the client;

Stellar track-record and methodology

Stellar track-record and methodology for security checking, analyses, and reporting;


Economic efficiency and resource optimization


Combination of independent knowledgable experts who research, analyze and understand hackers’ behavior.

Explore our Vulnerability Assessment services