Staff Awareness

We at WiserSec provide Security Awareness Training Services, that are created to develop and maintain secure behaviors in your team and protect your organisation’s sensitive and valuable information. 

Ensure the security of your employees
and your company environment

Security awareness training is one of the measures that are crucial for the success of any security program that you implement. It doesn’t matter how well-documented your policies and processes are and how your technology and devices are configured and protected. The human factor is part of the equation and a significant factor to consider and needs to be addressed properly. Creating a tailor-made security awareness training program based on threats that apply to your organisation and the needs you have is essential for cybersecurity.

Maintain compliance

It is good for your employees to be notified regularly about the latest compliance requirements and to be educated how to work and interact with sensitive data like PII in a secure way.

Defend against relevant attacks

Our expert team works with internal stakeholders in your organisation to conduct security awareness training for effective change in employee behavior related to cybersecurity.

Create a culture of security

Cybersecurity covers every aspect of the work of your organisation. It is important to establish a security-conscious culture among your team. That can ensure the safety of your employees and your business as a whole.

Continuous training

Our team maintains an up-to-date database of potential threats and know-how used for monthly campaigns and updated training programs for both end-users and members of your information security team.


Tailor-made service

with the flexibility in response time for the needs of the client;

Stellar track-record and methodology

Stellar track-record and methodology for security checking, analyses, and reporting;


Economic efficiency and resource optimization


Combination of independent knowledgable experts who research, analyze and understand hackers’ behavior.

Explore our Staff awareness services